Create a new instance of TASCII85EncoderStream.
Source position: ascii85.pp line 94
public constructor TASCII85EncoderStream.Create( |
ADest: TStream; |
AWidth: Integer = 72; |
ABoundary: Boolean = False |
); |
ADest |
Stream where the encoded data is stored. |
AWidth |
Width of the lines written by the encoder. |
ABoundary |
True to write a delineator before and after the encoded data. |
Create creates a new instance ofTASCII85EncoderStream. It stores ADest as the destination stream for the encoded data. The Width parameter indicates the width of the lines that are written by the encoder: after this amount of characters, a linefeed is put in the data stream. If ABoundary is True then a boundary delineator is written to the stream before and after the data.
ASCII 85 encoding stream. |
Width of the lines written to the data stream. |
Is a boundary delineator written before and after the data. |