Unit 'stringtableresource' Package
[Overview][Resource strings][Classes][Index] [#fcl-res]


Indexed array of strings in the string table


Source position: stringtableresource.pp line 77

public property TStringTableResource.Strings[id: Word] : string
  read GetString
  write SetString;


This property can be used to access all strings in the object.

Remark: Strings are accessed by their ID: valid elements range from FirstID to LastID. If the index specified isn't in this range, an EStringTableIndexOutOfBoundsException exception is raised.
Remark: If you need to access RawData after you modified strings, be sure to call UpdateRawData first. This isn't needed however when resource is written to a stream, since TResources takes care of it.

See also



String table resource type



The ID of first the string contained in the string table



The ID of the last string contained in the string table

Documentation generated on: Mar 10 2025