Free Pascal code documenter: Reference manual

Reference manual for FPDoc
Document version 3.2.4
March 9, 2025

Michaėl Van Canneyt

1 Introduction
 1.1 About this document
 1.2 About FPDoc
 1.3 Getting more information.
2 Compiling and Installing FPDoc
 2.1 Compiling
 2.2 Installation
3 FPDoc usage
 3.1 fpdoc
 3.2 FPDoc command-line options reference
  3.2.1 auto-index
  3.2.2 auto-toc
  3.2.3 charset
  3.2.4 chm-title
  3.2.5 content
  3.2.6 css-file
  3.2.7 default-page
  3.2.8 descr
  3.2.9 emit-notes
  3.2.10 footer
  3.2.11 footer-date
  3.2.12 format
  3.2.13 help
  3.2.14 hide-protected
  3.2.15 html-search
  3.2.16 image-dir
  3.2.17 image-url
  3.2.18 import
  3.2.19 index-colcount
  3.2.20 index-file
  3.2.21 input
  3.2.22 lang
  3.2.23 latex-highlight
  3.2.24 make-searchable
  3.2.25 other-files
  3.2.26 output
  3.2.27 package
  3.2.28 project
  3.2.29 show-private
  3.2.30 toc-file
  3.2.31 warn-no-node
  3.2.32 write-project
 3.3 makeskel
  3.3.1 introduction
 3.4 Makeskel option reference
  3.4.1 descr
  3.4.2 disable-arguments
  3.4.3 disable-errors
  3.4.4 disable-function-results
  3.4.5 disable-override
  3.4.6 disable-private
  3.4.7 disable-protected
  3.4.8 disable-seealso
  3.4.9 emitclassseparator
  3.4.10 help
  3.4.11 input
  3.4.12 lang
  3.4.13 output
  3.4.14 package
  3.4.15 update
4 The project file
 4.1 Introduction
 4.2 Project file structure
  4.2.1 The options node
  4.2.2 The option node
  4.2.3 The packages node
  4.2.4 The package node
  4.2.5 The units node
  4.2.6 The unit node
  4.2.7 The descriptions node
  4.2.8 The description node
  4.2.9 The imports node
  4.2.10 The import node
5 The description file
 5.1 Introduction
 5.2 Element names and cross-referencing
  5.2.1 Element name conventions
  5.2.2 Cross referencing: the link tag
 5.3 Tag reference
  5.3.1 Overview
  5.3.2 b : format bold
  5.3.3 br : Linebreak
  5.3.4 caption : Specify table caption
  5.3.5 code : format as pascal code
  5.3.6 descr : Descriptions
  5.3.7 dd : definition data.
  5.3.8 dl : definition list.
  5.3.9 dt : definition term.
  5.3.10 element : Identifier documentation
  5.3.11 errors : Error section.
  5.3.12 example : Include an example source file.
  5.3.13 file : Format filename
  5.3.14 fpdoc-description : Global tag
  5.3.15 i : Format italics
  5.3.16 img : include image
  5.3.17 li : list element
  5.3.18 link : Cross-reference
  5.3.19 module : Unit reference
  5.3.20 notes : Documentation notes (annotations).
  5.3.21 note : Notes/Annotation entry.
  5.3.22 ol : Numbered list.
  5.3.23 p : Paragraph
  5.3.24 package : Package reference
  5.3.25 pre : Insert text as-is
  5.3.26 printshort : insert short description
  5.3.27 remark : format as remark
  5.3.28 seealso : Cross-reference section
  5.3.29 short : Short description
  5.3.30 table : Table start
  5.3.31 td : Table cell
  5.3.32 th : Table header
  5.3.33 topic : Topic section
  5.3.34 tr : table row
  5.3.35 u : Format underlined
  5.3.36 ul : bulleted list
  5.3.37 url : Hyperlink
  5.3.38 var : variable
  5.3.39 version : version info
6 Generated output files.
 6.1 HTML output
 6.2 Latex output
 6.3 CHM output
 6.4 TXT output
 6.5 RTF output
 6.6 Man output