Unit 'Character' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Unicode code point (character) category.


Source position: character.pas line 42

type TUnicodeCategory = (



Letter, uppercase (Lu).



Letter, lowercase (Ll).



Letter, titlecase (Lt).



Letter, modifier (Lm).



Letter, other (Lo).



Mark, nonspacing (Mn).



Mark, spacing combining (Mc).



Mark, enclosing (Me).



Number, decimal digit (Nd).



Number, letter (Nl).



Number, other (No).



Punctuation, connector (Pc).



Punctuation, dash (Pd).



Punctuation, open (Ps).



Punctuation, close (Pe).



Punctuation, initial quote (Pi, may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage).



Punctuation, final quote (Pf, may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage).



Punctuation, other (Po).



Symbol, math (Sm).



Symbol, currency (Sc).



Symbol, modifier (Sk).



Symbol, other (So).



Separator, space (Zs).



Separator, line (Zl).



Separator, paragraph (Zp).



Other, control (Cc).



Other, format (Cf).



Other, surrogate (Cs).



Other, private use (Co).



Other, not assigned (including noncharacters) (Cn).



This enumeration type contains the characterization of all possible Unicode characters. It is used in the GetUnicodeCategory and TCharacter.GetUnicodeCategory functions.

See also



Alias for TCharacter.GetUnicodeCategory.



Get the Unicode category of a character.

Documentation generated on: Oct 06 2024