Unit 'exeinfo' Package
[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Structure describing the binary.


Source position: exeinfo.pp line 36

type TExeFile = record

  f: file;


File handle to the executable image on disk.

  size: Int64;


Size of the executable.

  isopen: Boolean;


Is the file handle f open ?

  nsects: LongInt;


Number of sections in the binary.

  sechdrofs: TExeOffset;


Section header offset.

  secstrofs: TExeOffset;


Section strings offset.

  processaddress: TExeProcessAddress;


Used on BEOS only.

  FunctionRelative: Boolean;


Internal variable.

  ImgOffset: TExeOffset;


Image offset.

  filename: shortstring;


Filename of binary file.

  buf: array [0..4095] of Byte;


Buffer used in internal read operations.

  bufsize: LongInt;


Size of internal buffer.

  bufcnt: LongInt;


Number of bytes in the buffer.



TExeFile is a record used in the various calls of this unit. It contains a file descriptor, and various fields that describe the executable.

The structure of TExeFile is opaque, that is, one shouldn't rely on the exactness of this structure, it may change any time in the future.

See also



Open an executable file.



Close a previously opened file.

Documentation generated on: Mar 12 2025