Unit 'Graph' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Array with actual resolutions of the new modes.


Source position: graphh.inc line 411

const resolutions: array [lowNewMode..highNewMode] of TResolutionRec = ((x: 320; y: 200), (x: 320; y: 256), (x: 320; y: 400), (x: 512; y: 384), (x: 640; y: 200), (x: 640; y: 256), (x: 640; y: 350), (x: 640; y: 400), (x: 640; y: 480), (x: 800; y: 600), (x: 832; y: 624), (x: 1024; y: 768), (x: 1280; y: 1024), (x: 1600; y: 1200), (x: 2048; y: 1536));

Documentation generated on: Mar 12 2025