Return smallest value in array.
Source position: math.pp line 695
function MinValue( |
const data: array of Single |
):Single; |
const data: PSingle; |
const N: Integer |
):Single; |
const data: array of Double |
):Double; |
const data: PDouble; |
const N: Integer |
):Double; |
const data: array of Extended |
):Extended; |
const data: PExtended; |
const N: Integer |
):Extended; |
const data: array of Integer |
):Integer; |
const Data: PInteger; |
const N: Integer |
):Integer; |
Minvalue returns the smallest value in the data array with integer or float values. The return value has the same type as the elements of the array.
The third and fourth forms accept a pointer to an array of N integer or float values.
Return largest element in integer array. |
Return largest value in array. |
Return smallest value in integer array. |
program Example31; { Program to demonstrate the MinValue function. } { Make sure integer is 32 bit} {$mode objfpc} uses math; var i:1..100; f_array:array[1..100] of Float; i_array:array[1..100] of Integer; Pf_array:Pfloat; PI_array:Pinteger; begin randomize; Pf_array:=@f_array[1]; Pi_array:=@i_array[1]; for i:=low(f_array) to high(f_array) do f_array[i]:=(random-random)*100; for i:=low(i_array) to high(i_array) do i_array[i]:=random(I)-random(100); Writeln('Min Float : ',MinValue(f_array):8:4); Writeln('Min Float (b) : ',MinValue(Pf_array,100):8:4); Writeln('Min Integer : ',MinValue(i_array):8); Writeln('Min Integer (b) : ',MinValue(Pi_array,100):8); end.