Unit 'sysutils' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Get the target filename and size of a symlink.


Source position: filutilh.inc line 243

function FileGetSymLinkTarget(

  const FileName: UnicodeString;

  out SymLinkRec: TUnicodeSymLinkRec


function FileGetSymLinkTarget(

  const FileName: UnicodeString;

  out TargetName: UnicodeString


function FileGetSymLinkTarget(

  const FileName: RawByteString;

  out SymLinkRec: TRawbyteSymLinkRec


function FileGetSymLinkTarget(

  const FileName: RawByteString;

  out TargetName: RawByteString



FileGetSymLinkTarget returns the target filename, size and attributes of a symbolic link in SymLinkRec. On unix-like systems, the filemode is also returned. The filename can be a relative filename, it will not be expanded.

See also



Symlink information for OSes with double-byte (widechar) filesystem API.



Symlink information for OSes with single-byte filesystem API.

Documentation generated on: Jul 27 2024