Unit 'sysutils' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]



Source position: syshelph.inc line 301

public function TWideStringHelper.IndexOfAnyUnquoted(

  const AnyOf: array of WideChar;

  StartQuote: WideChar;

  EndQuote: WideChar

):SizeInt; overload;

function TWideStringHelper.IndexOfAnyUnquoted(

  const AnyOf: array of WideChar;

  StartQuote: WideChar;

  EndQuote: WideChar;

  StartIndex: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

function TWideStringHelper.IndexOfAnyUnquoted(

  const AnyOf: array of WideChar;

  StartQuote: WideChar;

  EndQuote: WideChar;

  StartIndex: SizeInt;

  ACount: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

function TWideStringHelper.IndexOfAnyUnquoted(

  const AnyOf: array of WideString;

  StartQuote: WideChar;

  EndQuote: WideChar;

  StartIndex: SizeInt;

  out Matched: SizeInt

):SizeInt; overload;

Documentation generated on: Jul 27 2024