Unit 'TypInfo' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#rtl]


Set the value of a string property using a RawByteString.


Source position: typinfo.pp line 1247

procedure SetRawByteStrProp(

  Instance: TObject;

  const PropName: string;

  const Value: RawByteString


procedure SetRawByteStrProp(

  Instance: TObject;

  PropInfo: PPropInfo;

  const Value: RawByteString



GetRawbyteStrProp writes the value of a string property of the object Instance to Value, a RawByteString. This means no codepage translation is done. The property to write can be specified using the name PropName or the property info PropInfo.

See also



Set value of a string property.



Return the value of a string property as a RawByteString.

Documentation generated on: Aug 31 2024