Unit 'conunit' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Index] [#amunits]



Source position: conunit.pas line 45

type TConUnit = record

  cu_MP: tMsgPort;

  cu_Window: pWindow;

  cu_XCP: SmallInt;

  cu_YCP: SmallInt;

  cu_XMax: SmallInt;

  cu_YMax: SmallInt;

  cu_XRSize: SmallInt;

  cu_YRSize: SmallInt;

  cu_XROrigin: SmallInt;

  cu_YROrigin: SmallInt;

  cu_XRExtant: SmallInt;

  cu_YRExtant: SmallInt;

  cu_XMinShrink: SmallInt;

  cu_YMinShrink: SmallInt;

  cu_XCCP: SmallInt;

  cu_YCCP: SmallInt;

  cu_KeyMapStruct: tKeyMap;

  cu_TabStops: array [0..MAXTABS-1] of Word;

  cu_Mask: ShortInt;

  cu_FgPen: ShortInt;

  cu_BgPen: ShortInt;

  cu_AOLPen: ShortInt;

  cu_DrawMode: ShortInt;

  cu_Obsolete1: ShortInt;

  cu_Obsolete2: APTR;

  cu_Minterms: array [0..7] of Byte;

  cu_Font: pTextFont;

  cu_AlgoStyle: Byte;

  cu_TxFlags: Byte;

  cu_TxHeight: Word;

  cu_TxWidth: Word;

  cu_TxBaseline: Word;

  cu_TxSpacing: Word;

  cu_Modes: array [0..(PMB_AWM+7)div8-1] of Byte;

  cu_RawEvents: array [0..(IECLASS_MAX+7)div8-1] of Byte;


Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18