Unit 'Intuition' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#arosunits]



Source position: intuition.pas line 1448

type TPreferences = record

  FontHeight: ShortInt;

  PrinterPort: Byte;

  BaudRate: Word;

  KeyRptSpeed: TTimeval;

  KeyRptDelay: TTimeval;

  DoubleClick: TTimeval;

  PointerMatrix: array [0..POINTERSIZE-1] of Word;

  XOffset: ShortInt;

  YOffset: ShortInt;

  color17: Word;

  color18: Word;

  color19: Word;

  PointerTicks: Word;

  color0: Word;

  color1: Word;

  color2: Word;

  color3: Word;

  ViewXOffset: ShortInt;

  ViewYOffset: ShortInt;

  ViewInitX: SmallInt;

  ViewInitY: SmallInt;

  EnableCLI: WordBool;

  PrinterType: Word;

  PrinterFilename: array [0..FILENAME_SIZE-1] of char;

  PrintPitch: Word;

  PrintQuality: Word;

  PrintSpacing: Word;

  PrintLeftMargin: Word;

  PrintRightMargin: Word;

  PrintImage: Word;

  PrintAspect: Word;

  PrintShade: Word;

  PrintThreshold: SmallInt;

  PaperSize: Word;

  PaperLength: Word;

  PaperType: Word;

  SerRWBits: Byte;

  SerStopBuf: Byte;

  SerParShk: Byte;

  LaceWB: Byte;

  Pad: array [0..11] of Byte;

  PrtDevName: array [0..DEVNAME_SIZE-1] of char;

  DefaultPrtUnit: Byte;

  DefaultSerUnit: Byte;

  RowSizeChange: ShortInt;

  ColumnSizeChange: ShortInt;

  PrintFlags: Word;

  PrintMaxWidth: Word;

  PrintMaxHeight: Word;

  PrintDensity: Byte;

  PrintXOffset: Byte;

  wb_Width: Word;

  wb_Height: Word;

  wb_Depth: Byte;

  ext_size: Byte;


Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18