Unit 'gtk' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#gtk1]



Source position: gtkclist.pp line 47

type TGtkCList = record

  container: TGtkContainer;

  flags: guint16;

  row_mem_chunk: PGMemChunk;

  cell_mem_chunk: PGMemChunk;

  freeze_count: guint;

  internal_allocation: TGdkRectangle;

  rows: gint;

  row_center_offset: gint;

  row_height: gint;

  row_list: PGList;

  row_list_end: PGList;

  columns: gint;

  column_title_area: TGdkRectangle;

  title_window: PGdkWindow;

  column: PGtkCListColumn;

  clist_window: PGdkWindow;

  clist_window_width: gint;

  clist_window_height: gint;

  hoffset: gint;

  voffset: gint;

  shadow_type: TGtkShadowType;

  selection_mode: TGtkSelectionMode;

  selection: PGList;

  selection_end: PGList;

  undo_selection: PGList;

  undo_unselection: PGList;

  undo_anchor: gint;

  button_actions: array [0..4] of guint8;

  drag_button: guint8;

  click_cell: TGtkCListCellInfo;

  hadjustment: PGtkAdjustment;

  vadjustment: PGtkAdjustment;

  xor_gc: PGdkGC;

  fg_gc: PGdkGC;

  bg_gc: PGdkGC;

  cursor_drag: PGdkCursor;

  x_drag: gint;

  focus_row: gint;

  anchor: gint;

  anchor_state: TGtkStateType;

  drag_pos: gint;

  htimer: gint;

  vtimer: gint;

  sort_type: TGtkSortType;

  compare: TGtkCListCompareFunc;

  sort_column: gint;


Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18