Source position: cupsdyn.pp line 397
type http_t = record |
fd: LongInt; |
blocking: LongInt; |
error: LongInt; |
activity: time_t; |
state: http_state_t; |
status: http_status_t; |
version: http_version_t; |
keep_alive: http_keepalive_t; |
hostaddr: sockaddr_in; |
hostname: array [0..(HTTP_MAX_HOST)-1] of char; |
fields: array [0..Ord(HTTP_FIELD_MAX)-1] of array [0..(HTTP_MAX_VALUE)-1] of char; |
data: ; |
data_encoding: http_encoding_t; |
data_remaining: LongInt; |
used: LongInt; |
buffer: array [0..(HTTP_MAX_BUFFER)-1] of char; |
auth_type: LongInt; |
md5_state: md5_state_t; |
nonce: array [0..(HTTP_MAX_VALUE)-1] of char; |
nonce_count: LongInt; |
tls: pointer; |
encryption: http_encryption_t; |
input_set: pfd_set; |
end; |