Unit 'qdos' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#qlunits]



Source position: qdos_sysvars.inc line 33

type SystemVariables = record

  sv_ident: LongInt;

  sv_cheap: Pointer;

  sv_chpfr: Pointer;

  sv_free: Pointer;

  sv_basic: Pointer;

  sv_trnsp: Pointer;

  sv_trnfr: Pointer;

  sv_respr: Pointer;

  sv_ramt: Pointer;

  sv_unused_24: array [0..9] of Byte;

  sv_rand: Word;

  sv_pollm: Word;

  sv_tvmod: Byte;

  sv_scrst: Byte;

  sv_mcsta: Byte;

  sv_pcint: Byte;

  sv_unused_36: Byte;

  sv_netnr: Byte;

  sv_i2lst: Pointer;

  sv_plist: Pointer;

  sv_shlst: Pointer;

  sv_drlst: Pointer;

  sv_ddlst: Pointer;

  sv_keyq: Pointer;

  sv_trapv: Pointer;

  sv_btpnt: Pointer;

  sv_btbas: Pointer;

  sv_bttop: Pointer;

  sv_jbtag: Word;

  sv_jbmax: Word;

  sv_jbpnt: Pointer;

  sv_jbbas: Pointer;

  sv_jbtop: Pointer;

  sv_chtag: Word;

  sv_chmax: Word;

  sv_chpnt: Pointer;

  sv_chbas: Pointer;

  sv_chtop: Pointer;

  sv_unused_80: array [0..7] of Byte;

  sv_caps: Word;

  sv_arbuf: Word;

  sv_ardel: Word;

  sv_arfrq: Word;

  sv_arcnt: Word;

  sv_cqch: Word;

  sv_wp: Word;

  sv_sound: Word;

  sv_ser1c: Pointer;

  sv_ser2c: Pointer;

  sv_tmode: Byte;

  sv_ptyp: Byte;

  sv_csub: Pointer;

  sv_timo: Word;

  sv_timov: Word;

  sv_fstat: Word;

  sv_prgd: Pointer;

  sv_datd: Pointer;

  sv_dstd: Pointer;

  sv_thgl: Pointer;

  sv_unused_bc: array [0..49] of Byte;

  sv_mdrun: Byte;

  sv_mdcnt: Byte;

  sv_mddid: array [0..7] of Byte;

  sv_mdsta: array [0..7] of Byte;

  sv_fsdef: array [0..15] of Pointer;

  sv_unused_140: array [0..3] of Byte;

  sv_xact: Byte;

  sv_unused_145: Byte;

  sv_xtab: Pointer;

  sv_erms: Pointer;

  sv_unused_14e: array [0..5] of Byte;

  sv_unused_154: array [0..2] of LongInt;

  sv_turbo: LongInt;


Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18