Unit 'JwaWindows' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#winunits-jedi]



Source position: jwanative.pas line 3217

type _TEB = record

  NtTib: NT_TIB;

  EnvironmentPointer: PVOID;

  ClientId: CLIENT_ID;

  ActiveRpcHandle: PVOID;

  ThreadLocalStoragePointer: PVOID;

  Peb: PPEB;

  LastErrorValue: ULONG;

  CountOfOwnedCriticalSections: ULONG;

  CsrClientThread: PVOID;

  Win32ThreadInfo: PVOID;

  User32Reserved: array [0..25] of ULONG;

  UserReserved: array [0..4] of ULONG;

  WOW32Reserved: PVOID;

  CurrentLocale: LCID;

  FpSoftwareStatusRegister: ULONG;

  SystemReserved1: array [0..53] of PVOID;

  ExceptionCode: LONG;

  ActivationContextStack: ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK;

  SpareBytes1: array [0..23] of UCHAR;

  GdiTebBatch: GDI_TEB_BATCH;

  RealClientId: CLIENT_ID;

  GdiCachedProcessHandle: PVOID;

  GdiClientPID: ULONG;

  GdiClientTID: ULONG;

  GdiThreadLocalInfo: PVOID;

  Win32ClientInfo: array [0..61] of ULONG;

  glDispatchTable: array [0..232] of PVOID;

  glReserved1: array [0..28] of ULONG;

  glReserved2: PVOID;

  glSectionInfo: PVOID;

  glSection: PVOID;

  glTable: PVOID;

  glCurrentRC: PVOID;

  glContext: PVOID;

  LastStatusValue: ULONG;

  StaticUnicodeString: UNICODE_STRING;

  StaticUnicodeBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH] of WCHAR;

  Padding: USHORT;

  DeallocationStack: PVOID;

  TlsSlots: array [0..63] of PVOID;

  TlsLinks: LIST_ENTRY;

  Vdm: PVOID;

  ReservedForNtRpc: PVOID;

  DbgSsReserved: array [0..1] of PVOID;

  case Integer of

    0: (

        HardErrorMode: ULONG;


    1: (

        HardErrorsAreDisabled: ULONG;

        Instrumentation: array [0..15] of PVOID;

        WinSockData: PVOID;

        GdiBatchCount: ULONG;

        InDbgPrint: Boolean;

        FreeStackOnTermination: Boolean;

        HasFiberData: Boolean;

        IdealProcessor: Boolean;

        Spare3: ULONG;

        ReservedForPerf: PVOID;

        ReservedForOle: PVOID;

        WaitingOnLoaderLock: PVOID;

        Wx86Thread: Wx86ThreadState;

        TlsExpansionSlots: PPVOID;

        ImpersonationLocale: LCID;

        IsImpersonating: ULONG;

        NlsCache: PVOID;

        pShimData: PVOID;

        HeapVirtualAffinity: ULONG;

        CurrentTransactionHandle: PVOID;

        ActiveFrame: PTEB_ACTIVE_FRAME;

        case Integer of

          0: (

              SafeThunkCall: Boolean;

              BooleanSpare: array [0..2] of Boolean;


          1: (

              FlsData: PVOID;




Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18