Name |
Description |
AnsiCompareStr |
Compare two strings |
AnsiCompareText |
Compare two strings, case insensitive |
AnsiExtractQuotedStr |
Removes quotes from string |
AnsiLastChar |
Get last character of string |
AnsiLowerCase |
Convert string to all-lowercase |
AnsiQuotedStr |
Qoutes a string |
AnsiStrComp |
Compare strings case-sensitive |
AnsiStrIComp |
Compare strings case-insensitive |
AnsiStrLComp |
Compare L characters of strings case sensitive |
AnsiStrLIComp |
Compare L characters of strings case insensitive |
AnsiStrLastChar |
Get last character of string |
AnsiStrLower |
Convert string to all-lowercase |
AnsiStrUpper |
Convert string to all-uppercase |
AnsiUpperCase |
Convert string to all-uppercase |
AppendStr |
Append 2 strings |
AssignStr |
Assign value of strings on heap |
CompareStr |
Compare two strings case sensitive |
CompareText |
Compare two strings case insensitive |
DisposeStr |
Remove string from heap |
IsValidIdent |
Is string a valid pascal identifier |
LastDelimiter |
Last occurance of character in a string |
LeftStr |
Get first N characters of a string |
LoadStr |
Load string from resources |
LowerCase |
Convert string to all-lowercase |
NewStr |
Allocate new string on heap |
RightStr |
Get last N characters of a string |
StrAlloc |
Allocate memory for string |
StrBufSize |
Reserve memory for a string |
StrDispose |
Remove string from heap |
StrPas |
Convert PChar to pascal string |
StrPCopy |
Copy pascal string |
StrPLCopy |
Copy N bytes of pascal string |
UpperCase |
Convert string to all-uppercase |