[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Classes' (#rtl)


Creates a new stringstream and sets its initial content.


Source position: classesh.inc line 1096

public constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const ABytes: TBytes

); override; overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: string = ''

); overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: string;

  AEncoding: TEncoding;

  AOwnsEncoding: Boolean = True

); overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: string;

  ACodePage: Integer

); overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: UnicodeString

); overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: UnicodeString;

  AEncoding: TEncoding;

  AOwnsEncoding: Boolean = True

); overload;

constructor TStringStream.Create(

  const AString: UnicodeString;

  ACodePage: Integer

); overload;


Create creates a new TStringStream instance and sets its initial content to Astring. The position is still 0 but the size of the stream will equal the length of the string.

The Encoding argument specifies the codepage with which the bytes in the string will be interpreted. If it is not specified (or Nil) the system default encoding will be used. The correct encoding can be detected from the string by using the TStringStream.CreateRaw constructor.

See also



Contains the contents of the stream in string form



Datastring as unicode string



Encoding of the string with the data



Create stringstream using codepage of string

Documentation generated on: Jun 22 2020