[Overview][Constants][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DateUtils' (#rtl)


Converts an ISO 8601 date/time string to a TDateTime type


Source position: dateutil.inc line 457

function ISO8601ToDateDef(

  const DateString: string;

  ReturnUTC: Boolean;

  aDefault: TDateTime


function ISO8601ToDateDef(

  const DateString: string;

  aDefault: TDateTime;

  ReturnUTC: Boolean = True





String containing the ISO 8601 date/time value converted in the function



Indicates if the TDateTime value should be adjusted to the UTC time zone



Default TDateTime value used in the result

Function result

TDateTime value for the specified ISO 8601 date/time




String containing the ISO 8601 date/time value converted in the function



Default TDateTime value used in the result



Indicates if the TDateTime value should be adjusted to the UTC time zone


ISO8601ToDateDef is used to convert a date/time string in ISO 8601 format to its representation as a TDateTime value. DateString contains the ISO 8601-formatted date/time value converted in the routine. It can use one of the supported ISO 8601 date/time formats, and may contain an optional time zone offset. DateString uses the format returned from the DateToISO8601 function. Each of the following represent the date/time for Noon on July 4, 2019:

Time values in DateString specified without a time zone offset are assumed to be in the local time zone.

ReturnUTC indicates if the value in DateString is adjusted to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in the return value.

aDefault contains the default TDateTime value used as the return value when DateString cannot be successfully parsed and converted.

Please note than that the overloaded variant which uses String, Boolean, and TDateTime arguments has been deprecated. Use the variant with String, TDateTime, and Boolean arguments (in that order) instead.

ISO8601ToDateDef calls the TryISO8601ToDate function in its implementation.

See also



Converts a TDateTime value to ISO 8601 date/time format



Attempts to convert an ISO 8601-formatted date/time value to a TDateTime type

Documentation generated on: Jun 22 2020