[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'sysutils' (#rtl)


Join a series of strings, separated using a given separator


Source position: syshelph.inc line 85

public class function TStringHelper.Join(

  const Separator: string;

  const Values: array of Const

):string; overload;

class function TStringHelper.Join(

  const Separator: string;

  const Values: array of string

):string; overload;

class function TStringHelper.Join(

  const Separator: string;

  const Values: array of string;

  StartIndex: SizeInt;

  ACount: SizeInt

):string; overload;


Join will return a string that consists of all the strings in Values concatenated, with Separator between them. Values can be an array of strings, but can also be an array of arbitrary values: the values will first be transformed to a string representation first.

In case an array of strings is passed on, a start index StartIndex and element count ACount can be passed on as well.


Classes, pointers or interfaces will not be transformed, but will result in a 'unknown type: NNN' string being inserted.

See also



Split a string in a number of parts

Documentation generated on: Jun 22 2020