[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'sysutils' (#rtl)


Replace occurrences of one string with another.


Source position: syshelph.inc line 150

public function TStringHelper.Replace(

  OldChar: Char;

  NewChar: Char

):string; overload;

function TStringHelper.Replace(

  OldChar: Char;

  NewChar: Char;

  ReplaceFlags: TReplaceFlags

):string; overload;

function TStringHelper.Replace(

  const OldValue: string;

  const NewValue: string

):string; overload;

function TStringHelper.Replace(

  const OldValue: string;

  const NewValue: string;

  ReplaceFlags: TReplaceFlags

):string; overload;


Replace will replace occurrences of OldChar with NewChar or OldValue with NewValue.

If rfReplaceAll is in the ReplaceFlags, then all occurrences will be replaced, otherwise only the first occurrence is replaced.

If rfCaseInsensitive is in the ReplaceFlags, then the search for OldChar or OldValue is performed ignoring case.

See also



Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a string.



Flags for StringReplace function

Documentation generated on: Jun 22 2020