Test suite results for test file webtbs/tw1374.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: solaris
Processor: sparc
Version: 3.3.1
Fails/OK/Total: 47/9160/9207
Version: 3.3.1
Full version: 3.3.1
Comment: -Agas -Fd
Machine: gcc-solaris10
Category: 1
SVN revisions: fdae200:7d83cea:5769d73:fc1050a
Submitter: pierre
Date: 2024/09/27 01:35:00
Previous run: 1015103
Next run: 1016269

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Test file "webtbs/tw1374.pp" information:

t_id 805
t_adddate 2003/10/03
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

9505257281015756TrueFalseSuccessfully run

Record count: 1

No log of 1015756.


{ Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 1374 }
{ Submitted by "Christian Keck" on  2001-02-01 }
{ e-mail: C.Keck@gmx.net }
program realtest;

var temp        : longint;
    low         : byte;
    high        : byte;
    DLL_Version : extended{real};

  temp:= 14340; { This value is normaly retrieved form an external DLL }

  low:= ((temp shr 8) and $FF);
  high:= (temp and $FF);          { Some calculation...   }
  DLL_Version:= high + (low/100); { to get an real result }

  { ... }

  if DLL_Version < 4.56 then      { 4.560000000000000E+000 < 4.56 ?!?! }
    writeln ('Error! 4.56 < 4.56');

Link to SVN view of webtbs/tw1374.pp source.