Test suite results for test file webtbs/tw9306a.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: aix
Processor: powerpc
Version: 3.2.3
Fails/OK/Total: 65/7856/7921
Version: 3.2.3
Full version: 3.2.3-1376-gbff5cbd342
Comment: -O- -g -Fd
Machine: power-aix
Category: 1
SVN revisions: bff5cbd342:c17a0e20f5:4f3b6199df:d1c29e6cb9
Submitter: pierre
Date: 2024/05/08 08:09:00 <> 2024/05/04
Previous run: 947295
Next run: 948709

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Test file "webtbs/tw9306a.pp" information:

t_id 2612
t_adddate 2007/07/23
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

524596797948040FalseFalseFailed to compile

Record count: 1

Log of 948040:

tw9306a.pp(63,49) Error: Incompatible types: got "LongInt" expected "ShortString"
tw9306a.pp(64) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

No Source in TestSuite DataBase.

Link to SVN view of webtbs/tw9306a.pp source.