Test suite results for test file webtbf/tw2053.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: linux
Processor: powerpc64
Version: 3.2.3
Fails/OK/Total: 71/7906/7977
Version: 3.2.3
Full version: 3.2.3-1377-g51b2f84a53-unpushed
Comment: -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/powerpc64-linux-gnu/13 -Fd
Machine: gcc203
Category: 1
SVN revisions: bff5cbd342:51b2f84a53:4f3b6199df:d1c29e6cb9
Submitter: pierre
Date: 2024/05/21 17:32:00 <> 2024/05/05
Previous run: 953816
Next run: 955658

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Test file "webtbf/tw2053.pp" information:

t_id 1113
t_adddate 2003/10/14
t_result 0
Flag t_fail set
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

565147274954639TrueFalseSuccess, compilation failed

Record count: 1

No log of 954639.


{ %FAIL }
{ Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 2053 }
{ Submitted by "Luis Castedo" on  2002-07-24 }
{ e-mail: castedo@elai.upm.es }
program tb2;



  TMyRecord = record
    mr_sglDummy1: array[0..3] of Single;
    mr_lDummy2  : Longint;
    mr_iDummy3  : Integer;
    mr_iDummy4  : Integer;

{  TMyRecordArray = array[Integer] of TMyRecord;} { Error }
  TMyRecordArray = array[Longint] of TMyRecord; { OK }
  PMyRecordArray = ^TMyRecordArray;


  pArray: PMyRecordArray;

  GetMem(pArray, 50 * SizeOf(TMyRecord));

  WriteLn('pArray = ', Longint(pArray));
  WriteLn('@(pArray^[0]) = ', Longint(@(pArray^[0])));
  pArray^[0].mr_lDummy2 := 0;

  FreeMem(pArray, 50 * SizeOf(TMyRecord));


   $Log: tw2053.pp,v $
   Revision 1.4  2002/10/15 15:48:25  carl
    - remove Pierre's diff.

   Revision 1.3  2002/10/15 06:38:29  pierre
    * really try to allocate more than 2Gb

   Revision 1.2  2002/10/09 16:56:46  carl
     * some cpu specific tests not run under other CPU's

   Revision 1.1  2002/09/27 21:09:56  carl
     + new bug report


Link to SVN view of webtbf/tw2053.pp source.