TAbstractObjectReader : Method overview By inheritance


Member Visibility Description
BeginComponent public Marks the reading of a new component.
BeginProperty public Marks the reading of a property value.
BeginRootComponent public Starts the reading of the root component.
FlushBuffer public Flush the buffer
NextValue public Returns the type of the next value in the stream.
Read public Read raw data from stream
ReadBinary public Read binary data from the stream.
ReadCurrency public Read a currency value from the stream.
ReadDate public Read a date value from the stream.
ReadFloat public Read a float value from the stream.
ReadIdent public Read an identifier from the stream.
ReadInt16 public Read a 16-bit integer from the stream.
ReadInt32 public Read a 32-bit integer from the stream.
ReadInt64 public Read a 64-bit integer from the stream.
ReadInt8 public Read an 8-bit integer from the stream.
ReadSet public Reads a set from the stream.
ReadSignature public Read resource signature
ReadSingle public Read a single (real-type) value from the stream.
ReadStr public Read a shortstring from the stream
ReadString public Read a string of type StringType from the stream.
ReadUnicodeString public Read a Unicode string value
ReadValue public Reads the type of the next value.
ReadWideString public Read a widestring value from the stream.
SkipComponent public Skip till the end of the component.
SkipValue public Skip the current value.