TAbstractObjectWriter : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
BeginCollection(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a collection.
BeginComponent(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a component
BeginList(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a list.
BeginProperty(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a property
EndList(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Mark the end of a list.
EndProperty(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Marks the end of writing of a property.
FlushBuffer(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Flush the buffer
Write(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write raw data to stream
WriteBinary(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes binary data to the stream.
WriteBoolean(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a boolean value to the stream.
WriteCurrency(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a currency value to the stream
WriteDate(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a date type to the stream.
WriteFloat(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a float value to the stream.
WriteIdent(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes an identifier to the stream.
WriteInteger(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes an integer value to the stream
WriteMethodName(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a methodname to the stream.
WriteSet(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a set value to the stream.
WriteSignature(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write stream signature to the stream
WriteSingle(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a single-type real value to the stream.
WriteString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a string value to the stream.
WriteUInt64(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write an unsigned 64-bit integer
WriteUnicodeString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a Unicode string to the stream.
WriteVariant(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a variant to the stream
WriteWideString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a widestring value to the stream