
Calls the action's Execute method.


Source position: classesh.inc line 2165

  function Execute(AComponent: TComponent) : Boolean;  Virtual;


Execute sets the ActionComponent property of the associated Action to AComponent and then calls the Action's execute method. After the action has executed, the ActionComponent property is cleared again.

The return value of the function is the return value of the Action's execute method.

Application programmers should never call Execute directly. This method will be called automatically when the associated control is activated. (e.g. a button is clicked on)

Component programmers should call Execute whenever the action should be activated.

See also

Name Description
TBasicAction.ActionComponent Returns the component that initiated the action.
TBasicAction.Execute Triggers the OnExecute event
Action The action to which the link was assigned.
TBasicAction.onExecute Event triggered when the action executes.