
Compares the contents of two stringlists.


Source position: classesh.inc line 723

  function Equals(Obj: TObject) : Boolean;  Override;  Overload;
  function Equals(TheStrings: TStrings) : Boolean;  Overload;


Equals compares the contents of the stringlist with the contents of TheStrings. If the contents match, i.e. the stringlist contain an equal amount of strings, and all strings match, then True is returned. If the number of strings in the lists is unequal, or they contain one or more different strings, False is returned.


The strings are compared case-insensitively. The associated objects are not compared !!!

See also

Name Description
TStrings.Assign Assign the contents of another stringlist to this one.
TStrings.Count Number of strings in the list.
TStrings.Objects Indexed access to the objects associated with the strings in the list.
TStrings.Strings Indexed access to the strings in the list.