
Finds the index of a name in the name-value pairs.


Source position: classesh.inc line 738

  function IndexOfName(const Name: string) : Integer;  Virtual;


IndexOfName searches in the list of strings for a name-value pair with name part Name. If such a pair is found, it returns the index of the pair in the stringlist. If no such pair is found, the function returns -1. The search is done case-insensitive.


Only the first occurrence of a matching name-value pair is returned. The returned position is zero-based, i.e. 0 indicates the first string in the list. !!!

See also

Name Description
TStrings.IndexOf Find a string in the list and return its position.
TStrings.IndexOfObject Finds an object in the list and returns its index.
TStrings.Strings Indexed access to the strings in the list.