Arc |
Draw part of a circle |
Bar |
Draw filled rectangle |
Bar3D |
Draw filled 3-dimensional rectangle |
ClearDevice |
Clear the complete screen |
Closegraph |
Close graphical system. |
DetectGraph |
Detect correct graphical driver to use |
DrawPoly |
Draw a polygon |
Ellipse |
Draw an ellipse |
FillEllipse |
Draw and fill an ellipse |
FillPoly |
Draw, close and fill a polygon |
FloodFill |
Fill an area with a given color |
GetArcCoords |
Return coordinates of last drawn arc or ellipse. |
GetAspectRatio |
Return screen resolution |
GetColor |
Return current drawing color |
GetDefaultPalette |
Return default palette |
GetDirectVideo |
Determine whether direct video mode is active. |
GetDriverName |
Return current driver name |
GetFillPattern |
Return current fill pattern |
GetFillSettings |
Return current fill settings |
GetGraphMode |
Get current graphical modus |
GetLineSettings |
Get current line drawing settings |
GetMaxColor |
return maximum number of colors |
GetMaxMode |
Return biggest mode for the current driver |
GetMaxX |
Return maximal X coordinate |
GetMaxY |
Return maximal Y coordinate |
GetModeName |
Return description a modus |
GetModeRange |
Return lowest and highest modus of current driver |
GetPalette |
Return current palette |
GetPaletteSize |
Return maximal number of entries in current palette |
GetTextSettings |
Return current text style |
GetViewSettings |
Return current viewport |
GetX |
Return current cursor X position |
GetY |
Return current cursor Y position |
GraphDefaults |
Reset graphical mode to defaults |
GraphErrorMsg |
Return a description of an error |
GraphResult |
Result of last graphical operation |
InitGraph |
Initialize graphical system |
InstallUserDriver |
Install a user driver |
InstallUserFont |
Install a user-defined font |
LineRel |
Draw a line starting from current position in given direction |
LineTo |
Draw a line starting from current position to a given point |
MoveRel |
Move cursor relative to current position |
MoveTo |
Move cursor to absolute position. |
OutText |
Write text on the screen at the current location. |
PieSlice |
Draw a pie-slice |
queryadapterinfo |
Function called to retrieve the current video adapter settings. |
Rectangle |
Draw a rectangle on the screen. |
RegisterBGIDriver |
Register a new BGI driver. |
RegisterBGIfont |
Register a new BGI font |
RestoreCrtMode |
Restore text screen |
Sector |
Draw and fill a sector of an ellipse |
SetAspectRatio |
Set aspect ration of the screen |
SetColor |
Set foreground drawing color |
SetDirectVideo |
Attempt to enter direct video mode. |
SetFillPattern |
Set drawing fill pattern |
SetFillStyle |
Set drawing fill style |
SetGraphMode |
Set graphical mode |
SetLineStyle |
Set line drawing style |
SetPalette |
Set palette entry using color constant |
SetTextJustify |
Set text placement style |
SetTextStyle |
Set text style |
SetUserCharSize |
Set user character size for vector font |
SetViewPort |
Set the graphical drawing window |
SetWriteMode |
Specify binary operation to perform when drawing on screen |
SetWriteModeEx |
Set write mode (extended version) |
TextHeight |
Return height (in pixels) of the given string |
TextWidth |
Return width (in pixels) of the given string |