Memory management functions
Functions concerning memory issues.
Name | Description |
Addr | Return address of variable |
Assigned | Check if a pointer is valid |
CompareByte | Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte |
CompareChar | Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte |
CompareDWord | Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte |
CompareWord | Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte |
CSeg | Return code segment |
Dispose | Free dynamically allocated memory |
DSeg | Return data segment |
FillByte | Fill memory region with 8-bit pattern |
FillChar | Fill memory region with certain character |
FillDWord | Fill memory region with 32-bit pattern |
FillQWord | Fill memory region with 64-bit pattern |
FillWord | Fill memory region with 16-bit pattern |
Freemem | Release allocated memory |
Getmem | Allocate new memory |
GetMemoryManager | Return current memory manager |
High | Return highest index of open array or enumerated |
IndexByte | Find byte-sized value in a memory range |
IndexChar | Find char-sized value in a memory range |
IndexDWord | Find DWord-sized (32-bit) value in a memory range |
IndexQWord | Find QWord-sized value in a memory range |
IndexWord | Find word-sized value in a memory range |
IsMemoryManagerSet | Is the memory manager set |
MemSize | Get size of allocation |
Low | Return lowest index of open array or enumerated |
Move | Move data from one location in memory to another |
MoveChar0 | Move data till first zero character |
New | Dynamically allocate memory for variable |
Ofs | Return offset of variable |
Ptr | Combine segment and offset to pointer |
ReAllocMem | Resize a memory block on the heap |
Seg | Return segment |
SetMemoryManager | Set a memory manager |
Sptr | Return current stack pointer |
SSeg | Return stack segment register value |