Read from a text file into variable
Source position: system.fpd line 60
procedure Read(var F: Text; Args: Arguments);
procedure Read(Args: Arguments);
Read reads one or more values from a file F, and stores the result in V1, V2, etc.; If no file F is specified, then standard input is read. If F is of type Text, then the variables V1, V2 etc. must be of type Char, Integer, Real, String. If F is a typed file, then each of the variables must be of the type specified in the declaration of F. Untyped files are not allowed as an argument.
In earlier versions of FPC, it was also allowed to read Pchar null-terminated strings, but this has been removed, since there is no buffer checking possible.
If no data is available, empty values are returned (0 for ordinal values, empty strings for string values)
See also
Name | Description |
Blockread | Read data from an untyped file into memory |
Blockwrite | Write data from memory to an untyped file |
Readln | Read from a text file into variable and goto next line |
Write | Write variable to a text file or standard output |
Program Example50;
{ Program to demonstrate the Read(Ln) function. }
Var S : String;
C : Char;
F : File of char;
Assign (F,'ex50.pp');
Reset (F);
Writeln ('The characters before the first space in ex50.pp are : ');
While not Eof(f) and (C<>' ') do
Read (F,C);
Write (C);
Close (F);
Writeln ('Type some words. An empty line ends the program.');
Readln (S);
until S='';