TSingleHelper : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
BuildUp(TSingleHelper) public Build a single-sized floating point from its composing parts
Exponent(TSingleHelper) public Exponent of the floating-point value
Fraction(TSingleHelper) public Fraction of the floating-point value
IsInfinity(IsInfinity) public Check whether a value is positive or negative infinity.
IsNan(IsNan) public Check whether a value equals NaN.
IsNegativeInfinity(IsNegativeInfinity) public Check whether a value is negative infinity.
IsPositiveInfinity(IsPositiveInfinity) public Check whether a value is positive infinity.
Mantissa(TSingleHelper) public Mantissa of the floating-point
Parse(Parse) public Convert a string to a floating point value
Size(TSingleHelper) public Size (in bytes) of a single-sized floating point value.
SpecialType(TSingleHelper) public Return the type of the single-sized floating point value
ToString(ToString) public Convert a single-sized floating point value to a string
TryParse(TryParse) public Try to convert a string to a single-sized floating point value.