
Create a new directory


Source position: bunxh.inc line 76

  function FpMkdir(path: pChar; Mode: TMode) : cint;
  function FpMkdir(const path: RawByteString; Mode: TMode) : cint;


FpMkDir creates a new directory Path, and sets the new directory's mode to Mode. Path can be an absolute path or a relative path. Note that only the last element of the directory will be created, higher level directories must already exist, and must be writeable by the current user.

On success, 0 is returned. if the function fails, -1 is returned.

Note: There exist a portable alternative to fpMkDir: system.mkdir. Please use fpMkDir only if you are writing Unix specific code. System.mkdir will work on all operating systems.


Extended error information can be retrieved using fpGetErrno .

See also

Name Description
fpChDir Change current working directory.
fpGetCWD Retrieve the current working directory.

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