Reference for unit 'BaseUnix': Constants

Constant Description
ARG_MAX Maximum number of arguments to a program.
AT_FDCWD Flag for various *at calls to indicate current working directory
AT_REMOVEDIR Unlink at: specify rmdir behaviour
BITSINWORD Number of bits in a word.
clone_flags_fork Request fork behaviour for clone call
ESysE2BIG System error: Argument list too long
ESysEACCES System error: Permission denied
ESysEADDRINUSE System error: Address already in use
ESysEADDRNOTAVAIL System error: Cannot assign requested address
ESysEADV System error: Advertise error
ESysEAFNOSUPPORT System error: Address family not supported by protocol
ESysEAGAIN System error: Try again
ESysEALREADY System error: Operation already in progress
ESysEBADE System error: Invalid exchange
ESysEBADF System error: Bad file number
ESysEBADFD System error: File descriptor in bad state
ESysEBADMSG System error: Not a data message
ESysEBADR System error: Invalid request descriptor
ESysEBADRQC System error: Invalid request code
ESysEBADSLT System error: Invalid slot
ESysEBFONT System error: Bad font file format
ESysEBUSY System error: Device or resource busy
ESysECANCELED Operation canceled
ESysECHILD System error: No child processes
ESysECHRNG System error: Channel number out of range
ESysECOMM System error: Communication error on send
ESysECONNABORTED System error: Software caused connection abort
ESysECONNREFUSED System error: Connection refused
ESysECONNRESET System error: Connection reset by peer
ESysEDEADLK System error: Resource deadlock would occur
ESysEDEADLOCK System error: File locking deadlock error
ESysEDESTADDRREQ System error: Destination address required
ESysEDOM System error: Math argument out of domain of func
ESysEDOTDOT System error: RFS specific error
ESysEDQUOT System error: Quota exceeded
ESysEEXIST System error: File exists
ESysEFAULT System error: Bad address
ESysEFBIG System error: File too large
ESysEHOSTDOWN System error: Host is down
ESysEHOSTUNREACH System error: No route to host
ESysEIDRM System error: Identifier removed
ESysEILSEQ System error: Illegal byte sequence
ESysEINPROGRESS System error: Operation now in progress
ESysEINTR System error: Interrupted system call
ESysEINVAL System error: Invalid argument
ESysEIO System error: I/O error
ESysEISCONN System error: Transport endpoint is already connected
ESysEISDIR System error: Is a directory
ESysEISNAM System error: Is a named type file
ESysEKEYEXPIRED Key has expired (Linux kernel module)
ESysEKEYREJECTED Key was rejected by service (Linux kernel module)
ESysEKEYREVOKED Key has been revoked (Linux kernel module)
ESysEL2HLT System error: Level 2 halted
ESysEL2NSYNC System error: Level 2 not synchronized
ESysEL3HLT System error: Level 3 halted
ESysEL3RST System error: Level 3 reset
ESysELIBACC System error: Can not access a needed shared library
ESysELIBBAD System error: Accessing a corrupted shared library
ESysELIBEXEC System error: Cannot exec a shared library directly
ESysELIBMAX System error: Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
ESysELIBSCN System error: .lib section in a.out corrupted
ESysELNRNG System error: Link number out of range
ESysELOOP System error: Too many symbolic links encountered
ESysEMEDIUMTYPE Wrong medium type
ESysEMFILE System error: Too many open files
ESysEMLINK System error: Too many links
ESysEMSGSIZE System error: Message too long
ESysEMULTIHOP System error: Multihop attempted
ESysENAMETOOLONG System error: File name too long
ESysENAVAIL System error: No XENIX semaphores available
ESysENETDOWN System error: Network is down
ESysENETRESET System error: Network dropped connection because of reset
ESysENETUNREACH System error: Network is unreachable
ESysENFILE System error: File table overflow
ESysENOANO System error: No anode
ESysENOBUFS System error: No buffer space available
ESysENOCSI System error: No CSI structure available
ESysENODATA System error: No data available
ESysENODEV System error: No such device
ESysENOENT System error: No such file or directory
ESysENOEXEC System error: Exec format error
ESysENOKEY Required key not available (Linux kernel module)
ESysENOLCK System error: No record locks available
ESysENOLINK System error: Link has been severed
ESysENOMEDIUM No medium present
ESysENOMEM System error: Out of memory
ESysENOMSG System error: No message of desired type
ESysENONET System error: Machine is not on the network
ESysENOPKG System error: Package not installed
ESysENOPROTOOPT System error: Protocol not available
ESysENOSPC System error: No space left on device
ESysENOSR System error: Out of streams resources
ESysENOSTR System error: Device not a stream
ESysENOSYS System error: Function not implemented
ESysENOTBLK System error: Block device required
ESysENOTCONN System error: Transport endpoint is not connected
ESysENOTDIR System error: Not a directory
ESysENOTEMPTY System error: Directory not empty
ESysENOTNAM System error: Not a XENIX named type file
ESysENOTRECOVERABLE State not recoverable (mutexes)
ESysENOTSOCK System error: Socket operation on non-socket
ESysENOTTY System error: Not a typewriter
ESysENOTUNIQ System error: Name not unique on network
ESysENXIO System error: No such device or address
ESysEOPNOTSUPP System error: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
ESysEOVERFLOW System error: Value too large for defined data type
ESysEOWNERDEAD Owner died (mutexes)
ESysEPERM System error: Operation not permitted.
ESysEPFNOSUPPORT System error: Protocol family not supported
ESysEPIPE System error: Broken pipe
ESysEPROTO System error: Protocol error
ESysEPROTONOSUPPORT System error: Protocol not supported
ESysEPROTOTYPE System error: Protocol wrong type for socket
ESysERANGE System error: Math result not representable
ESysEREMCHG System error: Remote address changed
ESysEREMOTE System error: Object is remote
ESysEREMOTEIO System error: Remote I/O error
ESysERESTART System error: Interrupted system call should be restarted
ESysERFKILL Operation not possible due to RF-Kill (wireless)
ESysEROFS System error: Read-only file system
ESysESHUTDOWN System error: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
ESysESOCKTNOSUPPORT System error: Socket type not supported
ESysESPIPE System error: Illegal seek
ESysESRCH System error: No such process
ESysESRMNT System error: Srmount error
ESysESTALE System error: Stale NFS file handle
ESysESTRPIPE System error: Streams pipe error
ESysETIME System error: Timer expired
ESysETIMEDOUT System error: Connection timed out
ESysETOOMANYREFS System error: Too many references: cannot splice
ESysETXTBSY System error: Text (code segment) file busy
ESysEUCLEAN System error: Structure needs cleaning
ESysEUNATCH System error: Protocol driver not attached
ESysEUSERS System error: Too many users
ESysEWOULDBLOCK System error: Operation would block
ESysEXDEV System error: Cross-device link
ESysEXFULL System error: Exchange full
FD_MAXFDSET Maximum elements in a TFDSet array.
FPE_FLTDIV Value signalling floating point divide by zero in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_FLTINV Value signalling floating point invalid operation in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_FLTOVF Value signalling floating point overflow in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_FLTRES Value signalling floating point inexact result in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_FLTSUB Value signalling floating point subscript out of range in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_FLTUND Value signalling floating point underflow in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_INTDIV Value signalling integer divide in case of SIGFPE signal
FPE_INTOVF Value signalling integer overflow in case of SIGFPE signal
F_GetFd fpFCntl command: Get close-on-exec flag
F_GetFl fpFCntl command: Get file descriptor flags
F_GetLk fpFCntl command: Get lock
F_GetOwn fpFCntl command: get owner of file descriptor events
F_OK fpAccess call test: file exists.
F_SetFd fpFCntl command: Set close-on-exec flag
F_SetFl fpFCntl command: Set file descriptor flags
F_SetLk fpFCntl command: Set lock
F_SetLkW fpFCntl command: Test lock
F_SetOwn fpFCntl command: Set owner of file descriptor events
ln2bitmask Last bit in word.
ln2bitsinword Power of 2 number of bits in word.
MAP_ANON Anonymous memory mapping (data private to application)
MAP_ANONYMOUS FpMMap map type: Don't use a file
MAP_DENYWRITE FpMMap option: Ignored.
MAP_EXECUTABLE FpMMap option: Ignored.
MAP_FAILED Memory mapping failed error code
MAP_FIXED FpMMap map type: Interpret addr exactly
MAP_GROWSDOWN FpMMap option: Memory grows downward (like a stack)
MAP_LOCKED FpMMap option: lock the pages in memory.
MAP_NORESERVE FpMMap option: Do not reserve swap pages for this memory.
MAP_PRIVATE FpMMap map type: Changes are private
MAP_SHARED FpMMap map type: Share changes
MAP_TYPE FpMMap map type: Bitmask for type of mapping
NAME_MAX Maximum filename length.
O_APPEND fpOpen file open mode: Append to file
O_CREAT fpOpen file open mode: Create if file does not yet exist.
O_DIRECT fpOpen file open mode: Minimize caching effects
O_DIRECTORY fpOpen file open mode: File must be directory.
O_EXCL fpOpen file open mode: Open exclusively
O_NDELAY fpOpen file open mode: Alias for O_NonBlock
O_NOCTTY fpOpen file open mode: No TTY control.
O_NOFOLLOW fpOpen file open mode: Fail if file is symbolic link.
O_NONBLOCK fpOpen file open mode: Open in non-blocking mode
O_RDONLY fpOpen file open mode: Read only
O_RDWR fpOpen file open mode: Read/Write
O_SYNC fpOpen file open mode: Write to disc at once
O_TRUNC fpOpen file open mode: Truncate file to length 0
O_WRONLY fpOpen file open mode: Write only
PATH_MAX Maximum pathname length.
POLLERR Error condition on output file descriptor
POLLIN Data is available for reading
POLLNVAL Invalid request, file descriptor not open.
POLLOUT Writing data will not block the write call
POLLPRI Urgent data is available for reading.
POLLRDBAND Priority data ready for reading.
POLLWRBAND Priority data my be written.
PRIO_PGRP Easy access alias for unixtype.PRIO_PGRP
PRIO_PROCESS Easy access alias for unixtype.PRIO_PROCESS
PRIO_USER Easy access alias for unixtype.PRIO_USER
PROT_EXEC FpMMap memory access: page can be executed
PROT_NONE FpMMap memory access: page can not be accessed
PROT_READ FpMMap memory access: page can be read
PROT_WRITE FpMMap memory access: page can be written
RLIMIT_AS RLimit request address space limit
RLIMIT_CORE RLimit request max core file size
RLIMIT_CPU RLimit request CPU time in ms
RLIMIT_DATA RLimit request max data size
RLIMIT_FSIZE Rlimit request maximum file size
RLIMIT_LOCKS RLimit request maximum file locks held
RLIMIT_MEMLOCK RLimit request max locked-in-memory address space
RLIMIT_NOFILE RLimit request max number of open files
RLIMIT_NPROC RLimit request max number of processes
RLIMIT_RSS RLimit request max resident set size
RLIMIT_STACK RLimit request max stack size
R_OK fpAccess call test: read allowed
SA_INTERRUPT Sigaction options: ?
SA_NOCLDSTOP Sigaction options: Do not receive notification when child processes stop
SA_NOCLDWAIT Sigaction options: ?
SA_NODEFER Sigaction options: Do not mask signal in its own signal handler
SA_NOMASK Sigaction options: Do not prevent the signal from being received when it is handled.
SA_ONESHOT Sigaction options: Restore the signal action to the default state.
SA_ONSTACK Call the signal handler on an alternate signal stack
SA_RESETHAND Sigaction options: Restore signal action to default state when signal handler exits.
SA_RESTART Sigaction options: Provide behaviour compatible with BSD signal semantics
SA_RESTORER Signal restorer handler
SA_SIGINFO Sigaction options: The signal handler takes 3 arguments, not one.
SEEK_CUR fpLSeek option: Set position relative to current position.
SEEK_END fpLSeek option: Set position relative to end of file.
SEEK_SET fpLSeek option: Set absolute position.
SIGABRT Signal: ABRT (Abort)
SIGALRM Signal: ALRM (Alarm clock)
SIGBUS Signal: BUS (bus error)
SIGCHLD Signal: CHLD (child status changed)
SIGCONT Signal: CONT (Continue)
SIGFPE Signal: FPE (Floating point error)
SIGHUP Signal: HUP (Hangup)
SIGILL Signal: ILL (Illegal instruction)
SIGINT Signal: INT (Interrupt)
SIGIO Signal: IO (I/O operation possible)
SIGIOT Signal: IOT (IOT trap)
SIGKILL Signal: KILL (unblockable)
SIGPIPE Signal: PIPE (Broken pipe
SIGPOLL Signal: POLL (Pollable event)
SIGPROF Signal: PROF (Profiling alarm)
SIGPWR Signal: PWR (power failure restart)
SIGSEGV Signal: SEGV (Segmentation violation)
SIGSTKFLT Signal: STKFLT (Stack Fault)
SIGSTOP Signal: STOP (Stop, unblockable)
SIGTERM Signal: TERM (Terminate)
SIGTRAP Signal: TRAP (Trace trap)
SIGTSTP Signal: TSTP (keyboard stop)
SIGTTIN Signal: TTIN (Terminal input, background)
SIGTTOU Signal: TTOU (Terminal output, background)
SIGUNUSED Signal: Unused
SIGURG Signal: URG (Socket urgent condition)
SIGUSR1 Signal: USR1 (User-defined signal 1)
SIGUSR2 Signal: USR2 (User-defined signal 2)
SIGVTALRM Signal: VTALRM (Virtual alarm clock)
SIGWINCH Signal: WINCH (Window/Terminal size change)
SIGXCPU Signal: XCPU (CPU limit exceeded)
SIGXFSZ Signal: XFSZ (File size limit exceeded)
SIG_BLOCK Sigprocmask flags: Add signals to the set of blocked signals.
SIG_DFL Signal handler: Default signal handler
SIG_ERR Signal handler: error
SIG_IGN Signal handler: Ignore signal
SIG_MAXSIG Maximum system signal number.
SIG_SETMASK Sigprocmask flags: Set of blocked signals is given.
SIG_UNBLOCK Sigprocmask flags: Remove signals from the set set of blocked signals.
SI_PAD_SIZE Signal information pad size.
SYS_NMLN Max system name length.
S_IFBLK File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Block device
S_IFCHR File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Character device
S_IFDIR File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Directory
S_IFIFO File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: FIFO
S_IFLNK File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Link
S_IFMT File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: File type bit mask
S_IFREG File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Regular file
S_IFSOCK File (#rtl.baseunix.stat record) mode: Socket
S_IRGRP Mode flag: Read by group.
S_IROTH Mode flag: Read by others.
S_IRUSR Mode flag: Read by owner.
S_IRWXG Mode flag: Read, write, execute by groups.
S_IRWXO Mode flag: Read, write, execute by others.
S_IRWXU Mode flag: Read, write, execute by user.
S_ISGID Mode flag: Set Group ID on execution.
S_ISUID Mode flag: Set user ID on execution.
S_ISVTX Mode flag: Set sticky bit.
S_IWGRP Mode flag: Write by group.
S_IWOTH Mode flag: Write by others.
S_IWUSR Mode flag: Write by owner.
S_IXGRP Mode flag: Execute by group.
S_IXOTH Mode flag: Execute by others.
S_IXUSR Mode flag: Execute by owner.
UTSNAME_DOMAIN_LENGTH Max length of utsname domain name.
UTSNAME_LENGTH Max length of utsname system name, release, version, machine.
UTSNAME_NODENAME_LENGTH Max length of utsname node name.
WNOHANG #rtl.baseunix.fpWaitpid option: Do not wait for processes to terminate.
wordsinfdset Number of words in a TFDSet array
wordsinsigset Number of words in a signal set.
WUNTRACED #rtl.baseunix.fpWaitpid option: Also report children which were stopped but not yet reported
W_OK fpAccess call test: write allowed
X_OK fpAccess call test: execute allowed

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