
Convert a UTF32 character to UnicodeString


Source position: character.pas line 85

  class function ConvertFromUtf32(AChar: UCS4Char) : UnicodeString
                                 ;  Static;


TCharacter.ConvertFromUtf32 converts a single UTF32 character AChar to a UTF16 string. This is the opposite of TCharacter.ConvertToUtf32 .

The result is a string, since multiple UTF16 characters can be needed to encode a single UTF32 character.


If AChar is not in the valid range of UTF32 characters, an EArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
EArgumentOutOfRangeException Argument out of valid range passed to a function
TCharacter.ConvertToUtf32 Convert a UTF16 character to a UTF32 character

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