
Check whether a Unicode character is a digit


Source position: character.pas line 99

  class function IsDigit(AChar: UnicodeChar) : Boolean;  Overload;  Static;
  class function IsDigit(const AString: UnicodeString; AIndex: Integer)
                         : Boolean;  Overload;  Static;


IsDigit returns True if a Unicode character has category ucDecimalNumber. The character can be specified as a UTF16 character AChar or a UTF16 encoded character starting at position AIndex in string AString.


If AIndex is not a valid character index in the string AString, an EArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is raised. If the character at that position is not complete, an EArgumentException exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
IsControl Check whether a Unicode character is a Unicode control character
IsDigit Check whether a Unicode character is a digit
IsHighSurrogate Check whether a Unicode character is a surrogate in the high range
IsLetter Check if a Unicode character is a letter.
IsLetterOrDigit Check if a Unicode character is a letter or digit
IsLower Check if a Unicode character is a lowercase letter
IsLowSurrogate Check whether a Unicode character is a surrogate in the low range
IsNumber Check if a Unicode character is a number
IsPunctuation Check if a Unicode character is a punctuation character
IsSeparator Check if a Unicode character is a separator character
IsSurrogate Check whether a Unicode character is a surrogate
IsSurrogatePair Check if a pair of characters is a set of high/low surrogate characters
IsSymbol Check if a Unicode character is a symbol character
IsUpper Check whether a Unicode character is an uppercase letter
IsWhiteSpace Check whether a Unicode character is a whitespace character

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