
Map single-byte character to Unicode character.


Source position: charset.pp line 80

  function getunicode(c: Char; p: punicodemap) : tunicodechar;
  function getunicode(AAnsiStr: PAnsiChar; AAnsiLen: LongInt; 
                     AMap: punicodemap; ADest: tunicodestring) : LongInt;


The first form of getunicode will map a single character c to its Unicode equivalent for mapping p. If no equivalent can be found, 0 is returned.

The second form of getunicode will transform a string (specified using a pointer AAnsiStr to a buffer with length AAnsiLen) to a Unicode string using single byte codepage map AMap. It returns the number of Unicode characters. If ADest is Nil then just the number of characters is returned. If ADest is not nil, it must point to a buffer large enough to contain the Unicode string, and the converted string will be copied to it.


No checking on the validity of the buffers is done.

See also

Name Description
getascii Convert Unicode character or string to single-byte character or string.

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