
Reads a set from the stream.


Source position: line 1409

  function ReadSet(EnumType: Pointer) : Integer;  Virtual;  Abstract;


This method is called by the streaming system if it expects to read a set from the stream (i.e. after ReadValue returned a valuetype of vaSet). The return value is the contents of the set, encoded in a bitmask the following way:

For each (enumerated) value in the set, the bit corresponding to the ordinal value of the enumerated value should be set. i.e. as 1 shl ord(value).

See also

Name Description
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadDate Read a date value from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadFloat Read a float value from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadIdent Read an identifier from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadInt16 Read a 16-bit integer from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadInt32 Read a 32-bit integer from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadInt64 Read a 64-bit integer from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadInt8 Read an 8-bit integer from the stream.
TAbstractObjectReader.ReadSingle Read a single (real-type) value from the stream.
TabstractObjectReader.ReadStr Read a shortstring from the stream
TabstractObjectReader.ReadString Read a string of type StringType from the stream.

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