
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Driver class which stores component data in binary form.


Source position: classesh.inc line 1641

  TBinaryObjectWriter = class (TAbstractObjectWriter)
    FStream : TStream;
    FBuffer : Pointer;
    FBufSize : Integer;
    FBufPos : Integer;
    FBufEnd : Integer;
    procedure WriteWord(w: Word);
    procedure WriteDWord(lw: LongWord);
    procedure WriteQWord(qw: QWord);
    procedure WriteExtended(e: extended);
    procedure WriteValue(Value: TValueType);
    constructor Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    procedure WriteSignature;  Override;
    procedure FlushBuffer;  Override;
    procedure BeginCollection;  Override;
    procedure BeginComponent(Component: TComponent; Flags: TFilerFlags; 
                            ChildPos: Integer);  Override;
    procedure BeginList;  Override;
    procedure EndList;  Override;
    procedure BeginProperty(const PropName: string);  Override;
    procedure EndProperty;  Override;
    procedure Write(const Buffer; Count: LongInt);  Override;
    procedure WriteBinary(const Buffer; Count: LongInt);  Override;
    procedure WriteBoolean(Value: Boolean);  Override;
    procedure WriteFloat(const Value: Extended);  Override;
    procedure WriteSingle(const Value: Single);  Override;
    procedure WriteDate(const Value: TDateTime);  Override;
    procedure WriteCurrency(const Value: Currency);  Override;
    procedure WriteIdent(const Ident: string);  Override;
    procedure WriteInteger(Value: Int64);  Override;
    procedure WriteUInt64(Value: QWord);  Override;
    procedure WriteMethodName(const Name: string);  Override;
    procedure WriteSet(Value: LongInt; SetType: Pointer);  Override;
    procedure WriteStr(const Value: string);
    procedure WriteString(const Value: string);  Override;
    procedure WriteWideString(const Value: WideString);  Override;
    procedure WriteUnicodeString(const Value: UnicodeString);  Override;
    procedure WriteVariant(const VarValue: Variant);  Override;


Member Type Visibility Description
BeginCollection Method public Start writing a collection.
BeginComponent Method public Start writing a component
BeginList Method public Start writing a list.
BeginProperty Method public Start writing a property
Create Method public Creates a new instance of a binary object writer.
Destroy Method public Destroys an instance of the binary object writer.
EndList Method public Mark the end of a list.
EndProperty Method public Marks the end of writing of a property.
FBufEnd Field protected
FBuffer Field protected
FBufPos Field protected
FBufSize Field protected
FlushBuffer Method public Flush the buffer
FStream Field protected
Write Method public Write raw data to stream
WriteBinary Method public Writes binary data to the stream.
WriteBoolean Method public Writes a boolean value to the stream.
WriteCurrency Method public Write a currency-valued type to a stream
WriteDate Method public Writes a date type to the stream.
WriteDWord Method protected
WriteExtended Method protected
WriteFloat Method public Writes a float value to the stream.
WriteIdent Method public Writes an identifier to the stream.
WriteInteger Method public Writes an integer value to the stream.
WriteMethodName Method public Writes a methodname to the stream.
WriteQWord Method protected
WriteSet Method public Writes a set value to the stream.
WriteSignature Method public Write stream signature to the stream
WriteSingle Method public Writes a single-type real value to the stream.
WriteStr Method public Write a string to the binary stream
WriteString Method public Writes a string value to the stream.
WriteUInt64 Method public Write an unsigned 64-bit integer
WriteUnicodeString Method public Write a Unicode string to the stream.
WriteValue Method protected
WriteVariant Method public Write a variant to the stream
WriteWideString Method public Write a widestring-valued type to a stream
WriteWord Method protected


Class Description
TBinaryObjectWriter Driver class which stores component data in binary form.

See also

Name Description
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
TStream Base class for streams.

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