TBinaryObjectWriter : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
BeginCollection(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a collection.
BeginCollection(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Start writing a collection.
BeginComponent(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a component
BeginComponent(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Start writing a component
BeginList(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Start writing a list.
BeginList(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a list.
BeginProperty(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Start writing a property
BeginProperty(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Start writing a property
Create(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Creates a new instance of a binary object writer.
Destroy(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Destroys an instance of the binary object writer.
EndList(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Mark the end of a list.
EndList(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Mark the end of a list.
EndProperty(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Marks the end of writing of a property.
EndProperty(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Marks the end of writing of a property.
FlushBuffer(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Flush the buffer
FlushBuffer(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Flush the buffer
Write(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write raw data to stream
Write(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write raw data to stream
WriteBinary(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes binary data to the stream.
WriteBinary(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes binary data to the stream.
WriteBoolean(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a boolean value to the stream.
WriteBoolean(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a boolean value to the stream.
WriteCurrency(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write a currency-valued type to a stream
WriteCurrency(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a currency value to the stream
WriteDate(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a date type to the stream.
WriteDate(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a date type to the stream.
WriteFloat(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a float value to the stream.
WriteFloat(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a float value to the stream.
WriteIdent(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes an identifier to the stream.
WriteIdent(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes an identifier to the stream.
WriteInteger(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes an integer value to the stream.
WriteInteger(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes an integer value to the stream
WriteMethodName(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a methodname to the stream.
WriteMethodName(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a methodname to the stream.
WriteSet(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a set value to the stream.
WriteSet(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a set value to the stream.
WriteSignature(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write stream signature to the stream
WriteSignature(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write stream signature to the stream
WriteSingle(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a single-type real value to the stream.
WriteSingle(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a single-type real value to the stream.
WriteStr(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write a string to the binary stream
WriteString(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Writes a string value to the stream.
WriteString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Writes a string value to the stream.
WriteUInt64(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write an unsigned 64-bit integer
WriteUInt64(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write an unsigned 64-bit integer
WriteUnicodeString(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write a Unicode string to the stream.
WriteUnicodeString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a Unicode string to the stream.
WriteVariant(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a variant to the stream
WriteVariant(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write a variant to the stream
WriteWideString(TAbstractObjectWriter) public Write a widestring value to the stream
WriteWideString(TBinaryObjectWriter) public Write a widestring-valued type to a stream

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    No results matching ""