
Searches the next bit with a particular value.


Source position: classesh.inc line 417

  function FindNextBit : LongInt;


FindNextBit resumes a previously started search. It searches for the next bit with the value specified in the FindFirstBit . The search is done towards the end of the array and starts at the position last reported by one of the Find calls or at the position set with SetIndex .

If another bit with the same value is found, its position is returned. If no more bits with the same value are present in the array, -1 is returned.



See also

Name Description
FindFirstBit Find first bit with a particular value
FindPrevBit Searches the previous bit with a particular value.
OpenBit Returns the position of the first bit that is set to False.
SetIndex Sets the start position for FindNextBit and FindPrevBit

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