
Current component's state.


Source position: line 2140

public Property
  ComponentState : TComponentState;


ComponentState indicates the current state of the component. It is a set of flags which indicate the various stages in the lifetime of a component. The following values can occur in this set:

Flag Meaning
csLoading The component is being loaded from stream
csReading Component properties are being read from stream.
csWriting Component properties are being written to stream.
csDestroying The component or one of it's owners is being destroyed.
csAncestor The component is being streamed as part of a frame
csUpdating The component is being updated
csFixups References to other components are being resolved
csFreeNotification The component has freenotifications.
csInline The component is being loaded as part of a frame
csDesignInstance ? not used.

The component state is set by various actions such as reading it from stream, destroying it etc.

See also

Name Description
Loaded Called when the component has finished loading.
SetAncestor Sets the csAncestor state of the component.
SetDesigning Sets the csDesigning state of the component.
TComponentState Indicates the state of the component during the streaming process.
Updated Ends the csUpdating state.
Updating Sets the state to csUpdating

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