
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Implements IEnumerator for the TInterfaceList class.


Source position: classesh.inc line 2234

  TInterfaceListEnumerator = class
    FList : TInterfaceList;
    FPosition : Integer;
    constructor Create(AList: TInterfaceList);
    function GetCurrent : IUnknown;
    function MoveNext : Boolean;
    Current : IUnknown;


TInterfaceListEnumerator implements the #rtl.system.IEnumerator interface for the TInterfaceList class, so the TInterfaceList class can be used in a for ... in loop over the TInterfaceList.Components]() child components of the component. It is returned by the TInterfaceList.GetEnumerator method of TInterfaceList.


Member Type Visibility Description
Create Method public Initialize a new instance of TInterfaceListEnumerator
Current Property public Current pointer in the list
FList Field private
FPosition Field private
GetCurrent Method public Return the current pointer in the list
MoveNext Method public Move the position of the enumerator to the next position in the children of the component.


Class Description
TInterfaceListEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TInterfaceList class.

See also

Name Description
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
IUnknown IUnknown Interface
#rtl.system.IEnumerator Enumerator support interface
TInterfaceList Standard implementation of the IInterfaceList interface.
TInterfaceList Standard implementation of the IInterfaceList interface.
TInterfaceList.GetEnumerator Create an IEnumerator instance

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