TReader : Method overview By inheritance


Member Visibility Description
BeginReferences public Initializes the component referencing mechanism.
CheckValue public Raises an exception if the next value in the stream is not of type Value
CopyValue public Copy a value to a writer.
Create public Creates a new reader class
DefineBinaryProperty public Reads a user-defined binary property from the stream.
DefineProperty public Reads a user-defined property from the stream.
Destroy public Destroys a reader class.
EndOfList public Returns true if the stream contains an end-of-list marker.
EndReferences public Finalizes the component referencing mechanism.
FixupReferences public Tries to resolve all unresolved component references.
FlushBuffer public Flush the buffer
NextValue public Returns the type of the next value.
Read public Read raw data from stream
ReadBoolean public Reads a boolean from the stream.
ReadChar public Reads a character from the stream.
ReadCollection public Reads a collection from the stream.
ReadComponent public Starts reading a component from the stream.
ReadComponents public Starts reading child components from the stream.
ReadCurrency public Read a currency value from the stream.
ReadDate public Reads a date from the stream
ReadFloat public Reads a float from the stream.
ReadIdent public Reads an identifier from the stream.
ReadInt64 public Reads a 64-bit integer from the stream.
ReadInteger public Reads an integer from the stream
ReadListBegin public Checks for the beginning of a list.
ReadListEnd public Checks for the end of a list.
ReadRootComponent public Starts reading a root component.
ReadSet public Read a set value from the stream
ReadSignature public Read stream signature from the stream
ReadSingle public Reads a single-type real from the stream.
ReadString public Reads a string from the stream.
ReadUnicodeChar public Read Unicode character
ReadUnicodeString public Read a UnicodeString value from the stream
ReadValue public Reads the next value type from the stream.
ReadVariant public Read a variant from the stream
ReadWideChar public Read widechar from the stream
ReadWideString public Read a WideString value from the stream.


Member Visibility Description
DefineBinaryProperty public
DefineProperty public
FlushBuffer public Flush the buffer


Member Visibility Description
AfterConstruction public Method called after the constructor was called.
BeforeDestruction public Method called before the destructor is called.
ClassInfo public Return a pointer to the type information for this class.
ClassName public Return the current class name.
ClassNameIs public Check whether the class name equals the given name.
ClassParent public Return the parent class.
ClassType public Return a "class of" pointer for the current class
CleanupInstance public Finalize the class instance.
Create public TObject Constructor
DefaultHandler public Default handler for integer message handlers.
DefaultHandlerStr public Default handler for string messages.
Destroy public TObject destructor.
Dispatch public Dispatch an integer message
DispatchStr public Dispatch a string message.
Equals public Check if two objects are equal.
FieldAddress public Return the address of a field.
Free public Check for Nil and call destructor.
FreeInstance public Clean up instance and free the memory reserved for the instance.
GetHashCode public Return a hash code for the object
GetInterface public Return a reference to an interface
GetInterfaceByStr public Return an interface based on its GUID
GetInterfaceEntry public Return the interface table entry by GUID
GetInterfaceEntryByStr public Return the interface table entry by string
GetInterfaceTable public Return a pointer to the table of implemented interfaces for a class
GetInterfaceWeak public Get a reference to an interface, not increasing the reference count
InheritsFrom public Check whether class is an ancestor.
InitInstance public Initialize a new class instance.
InstanceSize public Return the size of an instance.
MethodAddress public Return the address of a method
MethodName public Return the name of a method.
newinstance public Allocate memory on the heap for a new instance
QualifiedClassName public Fully qualified classname
SafeCallException public Handle exception object
StringMessageTable public Return a pointer to the string message table.
ToString public Return a string representation for the object
UnitName public Unit name

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