
Copy data from one stream to another


Source position: classesh.inc line 1108

  function CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Int64) : Int64;


CopyFrom reads Count bytes from Source and writes them to the current stream. This updates the current position in the stream. After the action is completed, the number of bytes copied is returned. If Count is zero, then the whole contents of the Source stream is copied. It is positioned on the first byte of data, and Size bytes are copied. Note that this cannot be used with streams that do not allow seeking or do not allow determining the size of the stream.

This can be used to quickly copy data from one stream to another or to copy the whole contents of the stream.

See also

Name Description
TStream.Read Reads data from the stream to a buffer and returns the number of bytes read.
TStream.Write Writes data from a buffer to the stream and returns the number of bytes written.

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