TStrings : Property overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
AlwaysQuote(TStrings) public Always quote strings in DelimitedText
Capacity(TStrings) public Capacity of the list, i.e. number of strings that the list can currently hold before it tries to expand.
CommaText(TStrings) public Contents of the list as a comma-separated string.
Count(TStrings) public Number of strings in the list.
DefaultEncoding(TStrings) public Default encoding of stringlist
DelimitedText(TStrings) public Get or set all strings in the list in a delimited form.
Delimiter(TStrings) public Delimiter character used in DelimitedText .
Encoding(TStrings) public Current encoding of stringlist
LineBreak(TStrings) public LineBreak character to use
MissingNameValueSeparatorAction(TStrings) public
Names(TStrings) public Name parts of the name-value pairs in the list.
NameValueSeparator(TStrings) public Value of the character used to separate name,value pairs
Objects(TStrings) public Indexed access to the objects associated with the strings in the list.
Options(TStrings) public A set of TStringsOption - various boolean properties.
QuoteChar(TStrings) public Quote character used in DelimitedText .
SkipLastLineBreak(TStrings) public Do not add a linebreak to the last item
StrictDelimiter(TStrings) public Should only the delimiter character be considered a delimiter
Strings(TStrings) public Indexed access to the strings in the list.
StringsAdapter(TStrings) public Not implemented in Free Pascal.
Text(TStrings) public Contents of the list as one big string.
TextLineBreakStyle(TStrings) public Determines which line breaks to use in the Text property
TrailingLineBreak(TStrings) public Add a linebreak to the last item
UseLocale(TStrings) public Determines what methods are used in strings comparison.
ValueFromIndex(TStrings) public Return the value part of a string based on it's index.
Values(TStrings) public Value parts of the name-value pairs in the list.
WriteBOM(TStrings) public Write BOM when writing stringlist to stream

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