TThread : Method overview By inheritance


Member Visibility Description
AfterConstruction public Code to be executed after construction but before execute.
CheckTerminated public Check if the current thread has finished executing.
Create public Creates a new thread.
CreateAnonymousThread public Execute code in an anonymous thread
Destroy public Destroys the thread object.
Execute protected Execute method. Must be overridden in a descendant thread.
ExecuteInThread public Execute a method or static procedure in a thread
GetSystemTimes public Return CPU stats
GetTickCount public Return tick count (32-bit)
GetTickCount64 public Return tick count (64-bit)
NameThreadForDebugging public Set a thread name
Queue protected Queue a method for execution in the main thread
RemoveQueuedEvents public Remove methods scheduled for execution from queue
Resume public Resumes the thread's execution. Deprecated, see TThread.Start
SetReturnValue public Set return value of a thread
Sleep public Prevent thread execution
SpinWait public Prevent thread execution in a spin-wait loop
Start public Starts a thread that was created in a suspended state.
Suspend public Suspends the thread's execution.
Synchronize protected Synchronizes the thread by executing the method in the main thread.
Terminate public Signals the thread it should terminate.
WaitFor public Waits for the thread to terminate and returns the exit status.
Yield public Yield execution to other threads

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