
Calculate number of seconds elapsed since the start of the month.


Source position: line 194

  function SecondOfTheMonth(const AValue: TDateTime) : LongWord;


SecondOfTheMonth returns the number of seconds that have passed since the start of the month (00:00:00) till the moment indicated by AValue. This is a zero-based number, i.e. 00:00:00.999 on the first day of the month will return 0.

For an example, see the WeekOfTheMonth function.

See also

Name Description
DayOfTheMonth Extract the day (of month) part of a TDateTime value
HourOfTheMonth Calculate the number of hours passed since the start of the month.
MilliSecondOfTheMonth Calculate number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the month.
MinuteOfTheMonth Calculate number of minutes elapsed since the start of the month.
WeekOfTheMonth Extract the week of the month (and optionally month and year) from a TDateTime value

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