
Extract the time part from a TDateTime indication.


Source position: dateutil.inc line 77

  function TimeOf(const AValue: TDateTime) : TDateTime;


TimeOf extracts the time part from AValue and returns the result.

Since the TDateTime is actually a double with the time part encoded in the fractional part, this operation corresponds to a call to Frac.

See also

Name Description
DateOf Extract the date part from a TDateTime indication.
DayOf Extract the day (of month) part from a TDateTime value
HourOf Extract the hour part from a TDateTime value.
MilliSecondOf Extract the millisecond part from a TDateTime value.
MinuteOf Extract the minute part from a TDateTime value.
MonthOf Extract the month from a given date.
SecondOf Extract the second part from a TDateTime value.
YearOf Extract the year from a given date.


Program Example2;
{ This program demonstrates the TimeOf function }
Uses SysUtils,DateUtils;
  Writeln('Time is : ',TimeToStr(TimeOf(Now)));

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